Tuesday 3 January 2012


Hello everyone, and happy new year, I hope that your year will be as good as you make it. On a personal level, I'm a little stunned to have been dumped on Boxing day by my girlfriend of 5 years. The surprise was that it came out of the blue, and further surprise is that I'm less hurt than I feel betrayed. It was good while it lasted, I just hope that it doesn't get too soured by the break-up, which she did by phone and was a surprising bitch about. I'm also disappointed by the lack of effort on her part to try to fix things, or to talk about them, and I'm devastated to be alone after all this time. My self-esteem has also been taken by being almost immediately replaced by a fat 32-year old accountant, but I suppose that's her loss. She has called me childish for not wanting to be friends, but I think I have a point. Regardless, I will carry on, and my friends and family have been very helpful so far.

Anyway, my predictions for 2012, trouble in the UK, a boring election in the US which will lead to a lame-duck president, further crackdowns by Arab and the Chinese governments, and a shitty, joyless Olympics, because it was arranged by shitty, joyless people. On the plus side, a handsome new author will take the world by storm with the publication of 'Urban Nomad'...

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