Tuesday 28 February 2012

Rupert Murdoch: Prick of the Day.

 This is a companion piece to some of my other, impotently worried about current events stuff. Today we'll be talking about Rupert Murdoch, an evil tycoon who is increasingly looking like Mr Magoo and a Scrotum after a collision. This wretched, evil old prick, has for years using his immense wealth to control the media, peddle scandals and lies, decrease the intelligence of the populace, and push his own agenda on an increasingly stupid world. He's probably the most important man in both the US and the UK, which are still big players (for the time being).
The News of the World, a newspaper written by morons, for morons, was closed down last year 
after the extent of phone hacking became evident. This enquiry is ongoing, and shows that this paper would do anything (hack the victims of crimes phones, hack into emails of celebrities) to continue their seedy quest for more celebrity gossip.  Rebeka Brooks has resigned as a result, which is a great tragedy for journalism, and for humanity.

Meanwhile,Five Senior Journalists from the Sun have been arrested in the ongoing corruption trials, which have already shown up a culture of illegal activities and payments between the press, the police and politicians. The result was Murdoch turns up, not to apologise, not to announce his retirement, but to introduce a
scandals, hacking,  - arrests at the Sun have led to his arrival, not to announce his retirement, but to introduce a new paper, the Sunday Sun, which will peddle the same shit, but this time make it "Fearless, Fun... And Ethical." I don't think it will, I think it will be the same crap as before, and more evidence of illegal, sleazy and corrupt practises come to light. I really don't have a lot of hope for a newspaper with Katie Price as a columnist to really do any groundbreaking journalism. 

This is a man who forsook his nationality to gather ever more wealth, and has an unprecedented control over the political will of nearly two countries. However, have you ever heard of him using his enormous wealth to do anything good for society? Making page-three girls popular doesn't count.

I'd also like to make a special mention of his dipshit son James Murdoch, who suggests that even after Rupert is in his cold, cold grave, we will have another generation of idiots to peddle their shit and slander to the masses.

Furthermore, we must also recognise Rupert's third his wife, Wendi Deng, a woman who is 43, to her husband's 80 years old. A Quick Browse on her details also suggests that she was married to a man 30 years her senior before. As well as single-handedly reinforcing the notion of Oriental woman crazed by power, willing to sleep with anyone rich, she is equally responsible for the continued success of her evil, shrivelled up fucker of a husband.

Hopefully the Sun on Sunday will be less popular than the 'Two Weeks to live Monthly' - but no one ever lost money underestimating Britain's desire to see boobs, celebrity gossip, and half the newspaper dedicated to soccer players. Come on people, we should be aiming higher.

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